How to Make Your Search Results Page Load Faster

In the previous article in this series, we discussed how you can make your online database app searches perform faster. After the search has done its thing, the Caspio App Engine has to pack up the matching records, arrange it in the layout and paging you have...

How to Make Your Search Applications Perform Faster

A number of things affect the performance of your search applications. Aside from infrastructure factors such as server load and bandwidth, database size and application design are two major areas under your control. In this blog series, we offer several ideas...

10 Tasks for Managing Your Applications with Regular Checkups

You have built your application and rolled it out to your users. Everyone is happy. Now what? Do you know what you need to do to take care of your web applications for the long-term? The nice thing about a cloud platform like Caspio is that maintenance tasks s...

Is Your Data Layout Working for Your Audience?

There is wisdom in the saying “different strokes for different folks.” Consider your Christmas list. You wouldn’t give your dad a tie if he only wears t-shirts. And a high-tech espresso machine won’t work for your sister if she prefers instant coffee. ...

Create a Custom Facebook Application for Your Business

Facebook business profile owners, we have good news for you. Caspio-Powered Facebook Apps are now available. Create any type of business application and easily integrate it into your Facebook business profile. Build apps to generate leads, recruit people,...

7 Tips for Creating User-Friendly Search Forms

If you are working with online database apps, chances are that you have already made or are thinking about creating a search form for users to quickly find the data they are looking for. We have gathered a short list of best practices that can make your search...

Do You Really Know Who Is Using Your Apps?

Congratulations for rolling out your great new app to all your users … but do you know who your most active users are? Or whether people are having difficulty accessing your app? Do you know if they access it from the home or office? Caspio has a little-know...

5 Tips for Password Protecting Your Applications

When password protecting your application with Caspio authentication, the following best practices can be used as a checklist to ensure important safeguards are considered. 1. Username field should be unique This is now enforced by Caspio when creating a new a...