Forget What You Think You Know About Low-Code: 5 Myths Debunked!
April 25, 2018

Whether it’s the Greek story of Prometheus bringing fire to Mankind or the Egyptian story of the sun god Ra riding through the sky in a chariot to bring daylight to the world, myths have long been entertaining tales that people love to share. Did you know, however, that an important function of myths is a way to explain the origins of natural phenomena, like the discovery of fire or the rising and setting of the sun?
Knowing this, it’s only natural that technologies such as low-code application development platforms have their fair share of myths. With more companies looking to reduce backlogs and streamline processes, building custom applications on low-code platforms like is increasingly seen as the best way to accelerate time-to-market and speed-to-revenue. However, is the promise of low-code platforms too good to be true?
Read why market experts are saying now is the best time to go low-code.
In this light, we examine some of the more popular myths about low-code platforms and show how Caspio is the ideal low-code application development platform to address your business challenges.
Myth 1: Low-code platforms are only for simple applications.
Low-code platforms like Caspio combines a powerful online database, a visual user interface and scalable cloud infrastructure to allow you to build sophisticated applications that capture data, share information and automate business processes. Using low-code platforms, business professionals have created complex and feature-rich applications that generate sales leads, manage repair status requests and track global logistics operations.
Myth 2: Applications built with low-code platforms are not scalable.
Whether your application is used by a few people or by thousands, there are low-code platforms that provide user management capabilities with built-in automation and flexible customization. These capabilities enable your applications to scale as you grow.
The Southeast AIDS Education & Training Center, which provides training to frontliners fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region, discovered Caspio’s scalability when they were searching for a way to boost webcast capabilities. Using the platform, they built HIPAA-compliant portals that are now being accessed by 35,000 training participants and 100 administrative users.
Myth 3: Low-code applications are not enterprise-grade.
Caspio is built on Microsoft SQL Server, an enterprise-grade online database system. Security measures are built into the infrastructure implementation, platform architecture and the tools we provide to make sure that your applications are reliable and secure.
Myth 4: All low-code platforms are the same.
Some low-code platforms are light and easy-to-use, but are inflexible and lack the features you need. Some have lots of features, but lack the support you want. Caspio has it all — it’s really easy to use, has the features you need and comes with fantastic support resources that will have you creating custom applications quickly.
Myth 5: Low-code developers are not “real” developers.
We’ll be the first to admit that there’s some truth to this claim. After all, a “real” developer is someone who has many years of experience in coding. They are expensive to retain and are better utilized for more high-value IT projects. Low-code developers are people like you — business professionals with no experience in coding but uniquely positioned to identify your business needs and translate them into full-functioning applications. Caspio gives you the power to bring life to your business ideas.
Still not convinced how powerful low-code platforms are? Don’t take our word for it. Check out what market experts are saying about low-code development.