Caspio Blog

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Rely on Caspio’s Experts for Custom Web Application Development

Building a complex custom application? Short on time or manpower? Caspio Professional Services can help you complete your project on time and on budget. Our team builds custom web applications for companies like Whirlpool, ESPN, and ABC News every day. In fact...

Nonprofits Overcome Cutbacks with Cloud Database Apps

Nonprofits are facing major challenges in today’s economy. Government funding cuts, limited IT resources, and day-to-day tasks like record keeping, donor management, and community outreach are overwhelming, if not impossible for less-funded organizations. To...

Is Your Data Layout Working for Your Audience?

There is wisdom in the saying “different strokes for different folks.” Consider your Christmas list. You wouldn’t give your dad a tie if he only wears t-shirts. And a high-tech espresso machine won’t work for your sister if she prefers instant coffee. ...

Caspio is Growing! Work with Us

Looking ahead to an exciting 2012, Caspio is hiring in nearly every department. We are seeking talented, high-energy individuals who are passionate about our core values: Service, Excellence, and Innovation. If you join our team, here's what you can expect: An...

10 New Features for Richer Apps

You asked. We answered. Caspio 7.2 contains a lot of little improvements requested by you — our customers. These features are designed to improve the navigation and usability of your Caspio-powered applications so you can create richer, more user-friendly ap...

Build Feature-Rich Web Applications Without Coding Get Started For Free

Election-Day Apps Powered by Caspio

Today, November 8, 2011 is Election Day across the United States. Many of our media customers use Caspio-powered apps to inform their readers about candidates and ballot measures. The poll results are then published on Election Day for citizens to see up-to-th...

Create a Custom Facebook Application for Your Business

Facebook business profile owners, we have good news for you. Caspio-Powered Facebook Apps are now available. Create any type of business application and easily integrate it into your Facebook business profile. Build apps to generate leads, recruit people,...

7 Tips for Creating User-Friendly Search Forms

If you are working with online database apps, chances are that you have already made or are thinking about creating a search form for users to quickly find the data they are looking for. We have gathered a short list of best practices that can make your search...

Is Database Publishing in Your Content Marketing Strategy?

Online marketing revolves around driving traffic to your website -- targeting relevant audiences in order to introduce your products and services, and get them to buy what you have to offer. Marketers drive traffic in many different ways, but one area that is ...

Do You Really Know Who Is Using Your Apps?

Congratulations for rolling out your great new app to all your users … but do you know who your most active users are? Or whether people are having difficulty accessing your app? Do you know if they access it from the home or office? Caspio has a little-know...

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COVID-19 Response: 8 Low-Code Apps Your Government Agency Needs Right Now

8 Low-Code Apps Your Government Needs Right Now

Midstream Oil & Gas Companies: Digitally Transforming For a Bright Future

Digitally Transforming Midstream Oil & Gas Companies

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