Web App Development: Build Real Business Solutions and Secure Your Next Promotion Fast
February 28, 2017

In this increasingly competitive digital world, it takes more than a graduate study degree to persuade leaders to promote their people. As we are in the midst of a technological revolution, the trends and innovations that you may have come to know today could quickly become obsolete tomorrow. Therefore, the only way to future-proof your professional career is to evolve your skills at the speed of technology.
So how can you start working your way up – and fast?
For one, learning how to navigate through the cloud can open doors to your career growth. According to LinkedIn, cloud and distributed computing remains to be the top skill employers worldwide are looking for this year. But more important than just learning is applying your newly-acquired skills in solving real business problems and bringing innovation and creativity to your organization. And with the right tool, your next promotion might soon be just within an arm’s reach.
Such is the case of three individuals who, by learning web app development using Caspio as a platform, were able to make their marks in their respective fields:
The Intern Brings an Award to the City
In 2012, a graduate student intern from the University of Southern California named Justin Baker, who didn’t have access to IT resources, was tasked to develop the sustainability and green programs of Thousand Oaks, California. Baker learned how to use Caspio, a cloud platform that creates web-based applications and databases without the need for coding and created three applications, which saved the City thousands of dollars in manpower and resources, including paper and water consumption. As a result, the City received an award in the Green IT category at the Government Technology Conference (GTC) West in Sacramento. As for Baker, the City hired him as a full-time employee following the success of the program.
Non-Developer Receives Standing Ovation for Her Solution
Daisia Lewin, a Senior Inventory Analyst at Barnes and Noble College, also learned web app development and used Caspio to build a sophisticated online database application and replace their tedious manual processes and workflows. Despite having no background in programming, she completed the project and received a standing ovation for its success at one of their internal company conferences.
Big Perks for Big Winners
More recently, Simon Verdon, IT Solutions Manager for GEFCO UK, used Caspio in building an enterprise-grade logistics management system for one of their major clients in Europe. According to Verdon, he was able to develop, test, and implement the application all by himself, using only the reference materials from Caspio, such as support documents, video tutorials, and the forum. As a result of the successful project rollout, which saved the company big on operational and development costs and improved customer satisfaction, Verdon was also able to secure company sponsorship over four years toward a University degree course of his choosing.
Without a doubt, the ability to solve business problems effectively can take you places. And with Caspio, you can produce accurate and quick results, leading you to reach new heights in 2017 and beyond.
If you’re new to low/no-code application development with Caspio, you can start by checking Caspio’s guide to creating a web application for beginners. You may also take advantage of this free 1-week training on how to become an app building expert without having to learn to code.
For a more enhanced experience while learning web app development, you can attend one of the Caspio trainings in a city near you.