It’s party time! As this year’s South by Southwest festival unfolds with much controversy and chaos, crowds of people have flooded the streets of Austin, Texas to experience this epic event known for its eclectic mix of technology, music and movies.
Not only does Caspio send several of our own staff to SXSW, one of our media customers has done some creative app development on the Caspio platform, and the result is the Austin-American Statesman’s SXSW Side Parties app that utilizes responsive design and SEO-friendly deployment.
You can search for hundreds of unofficial event-related parties and shows that don’t require a SXSW badge, as well as submit new parties via your phone, tablet or laptop. The Austin-American Statesman has published the SXSW party finder app for several years now, and each year they add new enhancements and features to make it more user-friendly.
We’ve been able to use Caspio more and more in responsive designs by using media queries built into the Foundation web framework. I’ve been able to show and hide Caspio content built specifically for different screen sizes, with a focus on our mobile audience. I’ve also been able to use records managed in Caspio to work with other APIs like Google maps, charts and feeds. Having Caspio to quickly create databases and manage content has really helped our storytelling efforts.
Online Projects and Data Editor
The Austin-American Statesman
Here’s a quick look at the SXSW Side Parties app:
On desktops, the search results display in a grid:
On phones and tablets, the search results automatically re-size appropriately for the device:
If you are interested in creating mobile-friendly Caspio apps, request a project consultation with a product advisor.
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