Caspio Accelerates Speed to Market for Startups

Case Study Synopsis

Customer Bookvetter
Industry Business Services
Challenge Custom-built solution to filter quality books for different readers
Why Caspio
  • Empowers founders to take their idea from napkin to completion
  • Enables rapid application development and deployment without hiring in-house IT
  • Reduces the cost of building a product/application


I’m Marc Brackett. I’m the founder of Bookvetter.


We were founded to crowdsource books. The purpose of Bookvetter is to filter books for quality and then pass those books onto a larger audience, to be more of a uniting technology, bringing quality books to readers.


We started out with a piece of paper that sort of outlined what we wanted to do. Some of it had been created before and so we had to solve some unique problems as we went along. It was interesting to watch the idea actually flesh itself out and become a reality.

Affordable Solution to Get Your Business Started

I went with the Caspio platform for two reasons:


One was the cost. It made by product affordable, otherwise, there was no way I could have ever started to build this without Caspio.


The second thing is Caspio provides support. I don’t have to have a large staff to build or maintain my project. It allows me to scale and grow as needed.

Turning Business Ideas Into Reality

Without Caspio, my project would have never occurred. I wanted something that I could have some development in, something I could use and access. The click-and-drag features are very powerful.


I also wanted a team, but I didn’t want to have my own in-house IT team. The platform allows you very rapid turnaround, but you’ve also got the support of a large team.


I would have to say the process has definitely been empowering. You have a vision in your mind. And you hit lots of roadblocks along the way, thinking, is it actually a roadblock, or an excuse? How do I execute and to be able to take the idea and follow through with it and execute?


And then, you hit more roadblocks. You learn you were wrong, or you need to change, and you modify and to continue to see the product improve and users are happier and happier. It’s been very empowering.

End-Product Far Surpasses Expectations

The product we’ve ended up creating has far surpassed our initial expectations.


The Caspio Support and Professional Services teams not only build these complex creative apps for you, they also maintain them over time. As a result, I don’t have to have my own IT team.


My advice for other individuals or companies, wanting to develop a market or take an idea from a napkin to completion, would definitely be to look at Caspio. It’s a very creative process, it’s empowering, and it’s cost-effective.

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